It's a word that comes in a number of ways, when tragedy strikes, when you lose a loved one, when you go through a heartbreak, when you feel alone.
All are things that can make us feel down and cause pain in our lives.
But what I think we don't realize is how pain can actually be a good thing. Okay maybe not in the way you may thinking, but from personal experience I know God has used my pain for good.
In the moments when I felt so much pain in my heart that I couldn't bear sharing it with anyone for the fear of them knowing too much about my struggles, I cried out desperately to God. I prayed he would show me why we as humans go through so much pain, so much suffering.
I didn't necessarily get a response right way, but He started opening my eyes and my spirit to understand just a glimpse of why we do in fact go through suffering.
He started speaking into my heart and reminding me that He would never let me walk this world alone. That no matter the pain I would encounter, because He didn't say I would never go through struggles. He promised me He would be right there next to me in the midst of my pain, and He promises you the same thing, He will be there next to you when your grandma has passed away, when your relative has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer, when your heart has been broken, when you just lost your job, when you don't know where you will get your next meal, when you failed the exam you studied so hard for, when you feel like no one will ever understand you or what happened to you.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33
In this world, we will all go through trouble, pain, suffering, it is inevitable.
But we can take heart, Jesus has overcome the world!
And he has promised that he will use ALL things we go through for His good.
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."- Romans 8:28
So whatever it is that you are currently struggling with, I want to encourage you, you are NOT ALONE. God is with you, he will comfort you when you feel like you have no hope and are at the end of your rope. Know that He loves you, and that He has such a marvelous plan for you and your future. I am praying for every single person that is reading this, I pray the God of all hope will bring Peace, Joy, Love and Comfort at this moment. May His presence remind you that you can face these struggles because you are not alone. God bless you!
- Cristal