No matter what i write in the end it is nothing if i'm not Honest.
So lately i've been feeling anxious, and just impatient.
From personal experience i can say waiting for something is in itself hard. We are impatient people, we want things "Now".
God has been telling me things recently that are truly amazing, from the beginning i wanted to have a purpose and he gave me just that.
He told me he had amazing plans for my life, things that i couldn't even begin to imagine. And i've been wanting those things to start happening now. I feel like i'm running out of time sometimes, i'm not getting younger and time is slipping us by.
Today i want to talk about Stepping Out and "Walking On The Water". This phrase is actually a song by artist Britt Nicole and when i first heard it i didn't think much behind what the song could really mean. Then i saw a video that helped understand why she wrote this song.
She was challenged by God to step out in her Faith and trust him.
To Walk On the Water, just like Jesus, or Peter.
So i've been also feeling like i want things to change NOW!
I see people all around me, at school, on the streets and i see their hopelessness. I'm sad to see there's people who feel like they have no meaning in life. God has been telling me to be an example, not just to my family or friends but also to total strangers. He's telling me to live Radically for him . To Step Out , reach others, Love them. Talk to people i would normally wouldn't talk to. And i'm so overwhelmed sometimes. But he's promised to help me through this. Here's a verse that has helped me out on this area in my life
" And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
So sometimes it's hard waiting on something to happen. But don't wait to make a difference in the world, start stepping out and Loving others because at the end of the day that's what God wants us to do, he wants us to love, EVERYONE, even the ones who are hard to love.
P.S. I also want to share the video that spoke to me a lot about walking on water and TRUSTING God even when i'm a impatient child who wants her gift today! God Bless you Always <3- Cristal (: